Dr PhD

Dorota Hilszczańska

Founder / Partner

It is important to follow your dreams!

Julia Huta-Hołdowska

Marketing / Customercare

To immerse oneself in nature and rediscover its gifts is like finding a treasure to share with the rest of the world!

Enrico Ciullo

Sale / Training courses

Growing truffles is my dream… since I first discovered their taste and their beauty, I knew that they would play an important role in my life and that I would do my best to let as many people as possible into this extraordinary miracle of nature.


Pies tropiący trufle.

Jestem Greta – lagotto romagnolo, pochodzę z Włoch, z rodziny truflarzy.

Od urodzenia tropię trufle, podobnie jak moi rodzice, rodzeństwo i dalsi przodkowie.