
Hazelnut and Truffle – a winning combination!

The planting of Hazel in conjunction with the cultivation of truffles is a modern agricultural practice consolidating the income from the sale of truffles and hazelnuts.

The production potential of classic hazelnut in Poland is estimated at about 2-3 tons per year per hectare (Source: However, the production of truffles, which is a priority, requires a reduced use of chemicals, bringing down estimates for a satisfactory hazelnut yield to approximately 1 ton per hectare per year.

The production period of a hazelnut plantation begins 4-5 years after planting the plant and lasts for about 25-30 years (hazel has a life cycle of 40-50 years). The common hazel seedlings we inoculated us with truffle belong to two varieties:

  1. The Barcelona variety, popular in Poland and is one of the most cultivated. It is a frost-resistant variety known for its abundant fruiting. The fruit ripens in the first half of September, and tends to yield very large nuts. Plants need a pollinator to bear fruit, and they can also be a pollinator for other varieties;
  2. The Cosford variety, which is also frost-resistant, has a high degree of self-pollination and is a good pollinator, is one of the most popular varieties of large-fruited hazel. Nuts fall off the casing very easily, it is the earliest fruiting variety.
  3. The Catalonian variety has been grown in Poland for a long time. The bush grows moderately strongly but eventually grows not very tall. Nuts very attractive, large, round, slightly flattened, gathered in clusters (2-5). For good fruiting it needs a pollinator, another variety flowering at the right time, which can be for example the Cosford variety.

Please note that the cultivation of truffles is not possible in all soils, while the cultivation of hazelnuts allows for greater flexibility, so before setting up a plantation, always check the soil and take into account geographic features, microclimate, etc. Make sure the area you choose is suitable for growing truffles and hazelnut plantations.

Planting these two varieties of hazelnut together in cultivation greatly facilitates pollination and thus fruiting.

When it comes to freshly harvested hazelnuts in shell, the average wholesale price in 2020 was PLN 7-10 / kg (Source

Once the hazelnut and truffle plantation has completed its production life cycle, the trees can be felled and the resulting wood can be sold, for example as firewood. In 2020, the price of this type of firewood was around PLN 120-130 / m³ (about 26-28 Euro/ m³). One hectare of hazelnut plantation generally amounts to about 85 m³ of firewood can be obtained.

Please note that the cultivation of truffles is not possible in all soils, while the cultivation of hazelnuts allows for greater flexibility, so before setting up a plantation, always check the soil and take into account geographic features, microclimate, etc. Make sure the area you choose is suitable for growing truffles and hazelnut plantations.